Should we be prepared to pay more for organic?

It’s a difficult question in these cost conscious times. For restauranteurs like myself, it’s a tough decision to make, as costumers generally demand good price, quality menus and profit margins are being continuously squeezed.
Personally, I think that it has many benefits for which it’s worth paying for.

It is produced in non-intensive ways that avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It prohibits routine antibiotics and growth-promoting drugs and safeguards and nurtures our most precious asset - the soil. For me though, the main benefits are that organic ingredients generally taste better and for a chef obsessed about flavour, thats all the reason I need.

So, is the question of cost, and the fact that organic food is perceived as expensive unfair? And where are the best organic ingredients to be found in Mallorca?

We would like to hear your opinion.
